Community Based Services
Job Preparation/ Job Development–A Job Developer is assigned to each consumer. The Job Developer has knowledge of the labor market and has developed contacts and relationships with area businesses. Based on the consumer’s interests and abilities, a job match is found. A Job Developer assists the consumer with resume development, application completion, transportation to interviews, job leads, job readiness/interviewing skills, on the job training, job coaching, employer education about disabilities, assistive technology, and job searching.
Job Coaching–A Job Coach trains the consumer at the job site after the consumer has been employed. This training can be for an extended amount of time or just for a short period, depending on the individual need of the consumer. Job Retention- After a consumer becomes employed, a Retention Specialist will contact the consumer and employer to make sure everything is going well at the place of employment. If a problem is discovered, the Job Developer will intervene and do what is necessary to help the consumer solve the problem and remain employed.
Job Retention/Follow-Up–After a consumer becomes employed, the Job Developer will contact the consumer and employer regularly to make sure everything is going well at the place of employment. If a problem is discovered, the Job Developer will intervene and do what is necessary to help the consumer solve the problem and remain employed.
Supported Employment-Supported Employment (SE) is a program that enables individuals with significant disabilities to become employed in a competitive integrated work environment. Consumers receive services such as vocational or situational assessments, locate and develop jobs, on the job coaching, identify accommodations or integration of assistive work technology, and extended services beyond the life of the case.
Supported Employment:
- Promotes social integration, productivity, and maximum use of a person’s skills and abilities
- Takes place in an integrated work setting
- Assists individuals with developmental disabilities, severe and persistent mental illnesses, or other significant disabilities
- Includes job coaching that is often provided by an employment specialist after placement on the job
- Maintains support services to the worker for present and future employment needs
- Builds extended, ongoing supports with agencies and partners outside of VR to assist a person in maintaining employment
- Teamwork/Positive Attitude
On The Job Training/Evaluation
On The Job Training/Evaluation-The consumer is placed on a job in the community, but is not employed by the company. The objective is to determine if there is employment potential for the consumer at that job before the actual placement occurs. The numbers of hours are jointly agreed upon between his/her referral counselor and the Achievement Center Easter Seals (AC-ES). The referral source reimburses AC-ES for the wages paid to the consumer by AC-ES.

Community Based Training (CBT)/Community Work Adjustment Training (CWAT)
Community Based Training (CBT) Community Work Adjustment Training (CWAT)-Consumers receive job training at businesses in the community who partner with AC-ES. This service provides individuals with disabilities an opportunity to develop acceptable work habits in a community environment. Consumers earn minimum wage while at the training site. Knowledge, experience, and skills learned can be transferred to other jobs if an employment offer is not extended at the training site.